Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Return of Stupid

A few weeks ago we noticed that Darling Nikki's car hadn't been in the driveway for a few days.  Being the concerned person I am I stalked Facebook.  Boy 1 doesn't put much up or his posts are set to private (smart boy).  Darling Nikki however, she is an open book.  In the mess of posts about how much she hates people who come to her job and her med soc class (ouch!) there were pictures of her new apartment.   Well, there goes the nice yard and quiet weekends.
The first party seemed to be last weekend and it wasn't too bad -- lots of thumpy-thump music but no naked ladies, drunk morons or fights.   I am not sure how long it lasted because I go to bed by eleven, but the cars were all gone when the dogs went out at five and there were no obvious signs of destruction.  Maybe the boys have grown up?  Unfortunately that was not the case.  When I woke last night at 3 am to get a drink of water I was met with the familiar sound of drunken yelling.  I put my glasses on and made out a boy on the porch.  Who he was yelling at I have no idea as he appeared to be alone.  Then the pounding started.  It was loud enough to wake Eric.  I can only assume the dumb ass locked himself out and everyone else passed out.  I guess the crazy is back.  Should be an entertaining summer.
I kinda miss Darling Nikki...

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