Wednesday, May 19, 2010

And we will call the invisible one boy 4

It is nice to be on the porch again. The street was bustling tonight. The father-to-be down the road was attempting, unsuccessfully to train Milo not run into the street. There was a good parenting moment of a mother bellowing at her child to go put his freaking pajamas on and go to bed. A man yelled at some woman for not accepting his friend request on Facebook (she got into her car and drove away so I am guessing they aren't going to be friends anytime soon). However the best evening porch moment goes once again to the neighbor boys. Boy three emerged this evening, trotted to the car and trotted back in. A few minutes later he returned. He trotted to the car, began laughing and talking to someone. At first listen you would think he was on the phone, but no. So I am calling the invisible one boy four.

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